Open Chance was founded in 2001, by Dr. Helal Farghaly and Hadir Helal. Open Chance is an integrated law firm specializing in all legal fields, with a distinctive way of thinking and working, aiming to deliver high quality legal services consistently across multiple jurisdictions and business environment. Our approach is to help achieve our clients objectives in the most efficient and effective way, through the extent of our global reach along with the quality of our collaborative staff and business partners. We listen carefully before offering opinions, understanding your business objectives and legal issues in detail.
We aim to offer meaningful careers and rewarding opportunities. The quality of our people and their diverse range of viewpoints help to ensure that we understand our clients and can offer them the most insightful advice.
"We have represented clients in multiple legal and business transactions (including negotiations, tenders, agreements, litigation and arbitration) with Governmental and non Governmental entities"
Open Chance Law is organized to serve you and your needs.
With dedicated teams focused on the specific issues
facing a wide variety of industries"
Interested in learning about upcoming seminars, updates to laws and regulations, or what Open chance law firm is doing for our clients and our communities? You will find the information you need here
Office 701 and 703, 7th Floor, 46 El-Thawra Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
We believe that, we have a duty to run our business responsibly. If you need any legal advice please contact us
Infrastructure is one of the main necessities when it comes to helping any economy grow or sustain its development. The infrastructure of any country determines the capacity of its economy’s growth and development rates, because without proper roads or transportation, goods can’t be delivered easily, and without operational infrastructure such as running water, electricity services and proper sewage, people would not be able to produce any work.
Open Chance believe that by working with infrastructure companies, we could help in delivering those service by giving those corporations a hand on experience on all their legal business requirements.
PPP or Public-Private Partnership projects, have become a very common and acceptable framework for many governments, like Egypt, for the purpose of building their infrastructure. It has evolved as a widely and successful structure, as it combines the development of the public sector by utilizing the expertise of the private sector in the projects that aim to improve the country and its economy by using the resources at hand to provide the best possible results.
OC, has a long and vast experience in concluding and managing such types of contracts. Due to the risks curtailed with such deals, as they tend to be long term contracts, those deals, thus require clear and precise terms of the contracts, that leaves no space for ambiguity.
We believe that by working on the legal aspects of those projects, we can help make the project run smoothly and the partnership be well-brokered.
We have also high experience in dispute settlements resulting from such projects and have successfully gained several arbitral awards to our clients favor.